Hey there,
Let’s get to business. Having a Linktree in place of a website hinders you from leveling up your business. Maybe your social media presence is popping, and we love to see it. Perhaps you’re real confident that most (if not all) of your leads are coming from your wildly successful social media presence. Again, amazing… Until it’s not. Maybe you piss off the algorithm, and you find yourself shadowbanned. It happens to the best of us.
To be honest, social media isn’t as reliable as we would like to believe. Of course, it is a powerful tool we always encourage you to use, but it is not everything.
Oof. That one stings, I know.
On an even more real note, the more links your audience has to click to get to the intended page, the faster they lose interest. Your Linktree doesn’t provide the visual or written storytelling to compel your audience to know more about you.
Linktree is pretty generic unless you’re willing to pay for more of the custom features. If you’re going to spend money, you might as well pay someone to give you a brand and website that truly encapsulates who you are (because, remember, you are quite the badass!).
SEO doesn’t work with Linktree. All of the accumulated SEO traffic points to Linktree, not you. That really sucks for you!
Lastly, Linktree is fairly easy to hack. It is not a safe or reliable place for private information.
A good website is built with business in mind. It elevates your brand, engages your audience, and drives growth!
A website combines aesthetics, accessibility, and words that build trust between you and your key audience. You can make changes that keep it relevant to you. A design and copywriter team can craft easy-to-follow calls to action (CTA) that interest and excite the audience about what they see and do next!
Owning a business means you’re constantly telling a story and inspiring others that their life can and will be better with you in it. By having a digital presence through a beautiful and accessible website, you’re more likely to stand out as someone credible and ready to build those connections outside of social media. Social media fads and trends come and go, and your website is your chance to show up as you are without worrying about keeping up with the Joneses.
Wooo! That sounds pretty dang great, right?
Are you ready to retire from the Linktree trend? Grab your spot with Savvy Morris Marketing to elevate your business. We’re here to get you right where you need to be!
See you soon,
Rebecca Kochanek | Copywriter & Blogger
[…] ditch the link tree. It hurts in the long run. We have a blog post talking about how a link tree can significantly hinder your business. But to give you a quick summary, branding options are limited, and SEO will not work with a link […]
[…] I highly encourage people to write blog posts that reflect what they’re posting on social media. For one, it takes the pressure off of what the hell to write about. Secondly, it’s keeping your education and knowledge consistent across your pages. This is a solid way to build trust. A blog is where you explain things more in depth and show more of your personality, like you are conversing with someone! Plus, everyone takes in information differently, so you have nothing to lose by putting information in more than one place. […]